Thursday, August 6, 2009

Time to Get Caught Back Up...

So it's been a while since the last post... The last time we checked in we heard about how a shorthanded WWs team easily handled Austin Ave. Since then, WW has handed Rick's Appliance Repair and Hiro a loss to put their magic number at one with two games left to play. Let's summarize these two games...

WW had their work cut out for them when they faced Rick's(1-3) for a second time this season. The first time these two tangled, WW managed to escape with a 17-2 victory. This time around it wouldn't be so easy as Rick's made some adjustments that all but assured their second win of the season. Always thinking one step behind, Uncle Jesse (Rick's Manager/Brian trust) came out of retirement/off the DL to play firstbase. This allowed Uncle J to orchestrate his strategy a little closer to the action. We also saw Hannibal Lector move to the outfield so that Rick's could try out a new pitcher in the hopes that giving WW a new look from the mound would slow down their offensive assault. These managerial moves along with some pre-game misfortunes for WW seemed to spell victory for Rick's. First we saw Brian Macek show up to the park without any shoes. Byron received a call on his cell phone from Chris H. in the parking lot explaining the situation. Byron, always the improviser looked into the cab of his truck and noticed his golf shoes sitting next to his workout shoes. They were white/brown saddle shoes... Nice! Crisis averted. WW got off to a slow start and at one point trailed Rick's by a couple of runs. This was do in large part to a calamity of errors on a single play from Byron. Byron's bad play put him in the running with Brian for BOTW. During the third inning WW offense got rolling and began to put the game out of reach. Once the game began to get out of hand WW began shifting their defense around to try some players out at different positions. This move allowed Byron to redeem himself from his first inning blunder by mowing down a potential base stealer at second. WW also was able to turn a couple of double plays and managed to hold Rick's to three runs on the day. Once the dust settled it was a 15-3 victory for WW. The Boner of the week would go to Brian for ShoeGate. It's tough to pick a player of the week when everyone is hitting and not making mistakes... I can tell you who wasn't a player of the week. That might be easier.

WW then set their sights on Hiro(1-4) who fell to WW 17-6 earlier in the season. I'm not sure what the family friendly way is to describe what happened when WW was supposed to play Hiro so I am just going to abstain from trying to describe it. Basically, No one from Hiro showed up to the park. No one called in a forfeit. This was obviously premeditated or else there would've been about 7-8 guys in the other dugout calling their friends on cell phones going "Hey man... Where you at?". This wasn't the case. At any rate, WW took some BP and the forfeit and went to HooHoo's. On the way to Hoots some of the WW players stayed behind to watch the rest of the Austin Ave. GoodFellas game. AA had given away a 5 run lead to niceguys and couldn't manage to get a runner from second to home with one out. With time expired the game went into a one pitch extra inning format. AA was able to get out of the top half without any damage and then manged to score a run with two outs on a cluster foofah play. It really wasn't as exciting as it sounds.

After the two victories to the one win teams WW had a bye week to get ready for Goodfellas(now 3-2). WW would only need one win with two games left of a loss of less than 5 runs to niceguys to clinch thier second championship of the year.

1 comment:

  1. Glad the WW blogspot is back up and running! I'm a big fan! GOOOO WaterWorks!!
