Friday, August 7, 2009

That was a little anticlimactic...

Maybe it was just me, but there seemed to be a lot of hype built into the WW Goodfellas game last Friday(7/31). Some of that hype was probably lost when GF lost to AA in extras the week before. Still there seemed to be plenty of reasons out there tp make the second matchup a good game. GF was able to play long into the Spring EOS tournament so there was a sense that they would be a formidable foe prior to the first game of the Summer season. A GF player had mentioned to Mike C. that they had WW circled on their calender so they obviously knew who the team to beat was. After WW beat GF 9-3 another player made the excuse that 3-4 of their best players weren't at the game so I guess I was lead to believe that GF had the potential to hand WW their first loss of the season and have an outside shot at stealing the league championship. This perception was indeed incorrect. Maybe GF has some ringers that just weren't able to make it to both the WWs games and maybe they are better than they showed this season, but I never expected them to get romped 16-0 through 4.
WW got off to a great start putting up 4 in the first and never looking back. Mike C. was on the bump again to allow an ailing Pete some time of from the field. I could only remember one runner reaching Third and the outfield did a great job of keeping the ball in front of them (It was physically impossible to get the ball behind them for the first couple of innings since they seemed to be sitting on the fence) and off the ground. There were way too many good things that happened this game which makes it tough to pick a POTW. I think one of the things I enjoy about this team is that we really don't have any standout. We play solid together and pick each other up. In the end I think we'll give POTW to Mike C. for shutting down GF again. BOTW has to go to Byron for sending Jay from second on a basehit to LC. He just looked so fast rounding third, I didn't want to stop him. It was like poetry in motion... until the last 20 steps when the catcher had the ball.

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