Monday, June 22, 2009

Mid-Season Call-Ups Help WaterWorks Coast Past Austin Ave.

Although no one said it out loud, there was a little bit of uncertainty going into this past Friday's game against AA. WW would play this game with only 6 of it's regulars in the lineup against a team that had put up 14 or more runs in their only two games of the season. This uncertainty lingered through the first inning as WW was only able to hang a one on the board. AA followed by scoring a run of their own to tie up the game. It wasn't until the bottom of the second that WW seemed to control the games as they put five runs on the board and shut down AA. Again Mike C. pitched a gem and was backed by a strong defense that only allowed two runs. WW even managed to turn a 4-6-3 double play (We aren't going to mention that the runner was recovering from hernia surgery). When it was all said and done WW walked away with a run rule in the fifth with fifteen minutes left on the clock and a 13-2 lead.
On hand for the post-game festivities were Buckshoot, 8-Ball, JW and Nine. Everyone else chose to be losers.
Out of the lineup this past Friday was Rik who is still recovering from a foot injury, Chris H. who is seeing an ankle specialist in Erie, PA. and Chris W who couldn't break away from a contractual agreement with one of his sponsors. The most newsworthy absentee was Pete Bergan who again was a game day scratch as he assisted Maureen with the birth of their second baby. We are still awaiting more details of the birth but the word from our sources is that all are recovering fine. This will give Pete the player of the week... Congratulations Pete and Maureen! Way to procreate! Boner of the week is going to have to go to Fred. While playing first, Fred took a throw from third off this chin. We are going to have to add that this ball wasn't in the dirt. And the Sun was behind Fred. And it wasn't that windy.
Called up to play this week was Travis (WaterWorks Developmental League), Fred (WDL), Brian M.(WDL/Out-of-retirement) and Dave W. (Unsigned).

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