Friday, April 16, 2010

WW Adventures in Loserville

I'm still trying to figure out the format I want to use here at the blog, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to try and keep it family friendly which is going to make it all the more difficult to write about this last game. Long story short... we played the AA under 30 year old team upa. Apparently, softball is really important to them and they are the shiz. I'm pretty sure that about 90% of them still live at home and 63% of them have their parents drive them to the games. One of them does have a mo-ped and a couple still have their huffy skate boards so that helps with the commute to the ball park. Now, enough about them, lets get to the game.

The second batter of the game hit a seed up the middle shin high and dropped Pete. Pete would actually finish the inning before being replaced by Mike who spent most of the night praying for his life. It didn't take too long for the game to get out of hand a against a makeshift WW lineup. You know you've made it in life when you can steal an uncontested base when you are up 10 runs. At one point in the game Jay talked some noise when the upa third baseman got ate up from a sharp groundball off the bat of TJ. This got upa all pizzed off. And come on... let's face it. You'd be upset too if you were pounding a team into the ground and they gave you a little lip. This playful banter from J was met with an all out assault on second base. One thing is for sure... these upa guys are probably very successful in life. Boner of the weak goes to Pete for not getting out of the way of that line drive in the first. He also get POTW for not crying after he got hit.

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