Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Mistakes Keep WW from a .500 Record

What else is new, WW dropped another close one. This time in extras against goodfellas, a team WW has handled in the past. The first play of the game was definitely a little bit of foreshadowing as Byron turned a routine play into a complete disaster. Even though he made a text book catch, getting his feet in position and making a quick transaction, he was unable to close the play out by throwing a hail mary to right field. This fueled a 4 run first by GFs. WW was able to take the lead and control it for a couple of innings. A lot of small mistakes here and there kept WW from finishing the game with the lead. In the end WW would get dropped in the bottom half of the last inning. There isn't much more to talk about except for the BOTW... we already talked about B a little so let's talk about some of the other contenders. Mike walked a batter for the first time in 52 years(not really though. I have to add the disclaimer b/c he really is old and people might take that statement seriously. I actually shouldn't give him a hard time about being old, I'm gaining weight, losing hair and eyesight. I don't know why I stayed in parentheses so long). Jay, also pronounced J couldn't manage a waist high toss from less than 40 feet away that would have sent the game into extras. We haven't seen a play that has meant so much to a season since opening night when JW dropped that fly ball. I am also going to add in a dishonorable mention to the heart of the lineup. Yeah... the guys with all the zeros by their names in the box score. You can't win if you don't score. That's how I try to live my life every day. In the end (wait for it..) the boner of the week goes to Byron... The first play of the game cost WW at least 2 runs, he was also part of the middle of the order that couldn't find home plate... actually I don't think they ever found first base. Let's also not forget that WW is 0-3 with B in the lineup... 1-0 without him. I'm not a mathematician... but Byron Sucks...

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