Wednesday, March 17, 2010

WaterWorst : How the Storied Franchise Started 0-2

After experiencing a bitter loss to upa, WW set their sites on the jackers in an effort to right the ship and save the season. WW would suffer their first setback of the night before the first pitch. One of their top prospects was a no show. After a couple of texts back/forth we found out that the prospect had 'forgotten' about the game and was out of town. Despite having several players who are too old to remember what happened five minutes ago, everyone on the team has always managed to remember to make it to the park (albeit not always at the correct time). WW would have to play this game with 9, a fact that the jackers exploited at every opportunity. Routine singles were turned into triples due to the wider gaps. Despite a great effort on D throughout the game, you just can't be in two places at once. WW would end up allowing 20 runs and only reached the plate 9 times. There is no way to know for sure if having a 10th guys would have won the game for us. I do know that giving away an out at least every other inning on offense and giving up bases when you can't cover the outfield is a good battleplan for losing. To make matters worse, the jokers weren't really all that funny.

Boner of the week goes to the player who forgot to show up. Player of the week will go to Rik... I think I remember him making a nice catch in the outfield. WW 0-2 will take on the texans(0-1) next in the hopes of killing the losing streak.

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