Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Another team is run rulled. Yawn...

WW was expecting a double header last Friday and instead received a much needed early trip to the bar. The 8:00 game was against PHCB( 2-3 ) who, according to their run scoring ability appeared to be the only competition for WW outside of Austin Ave. That assessment couldn’t have been anymore incorrect… WW blanked PHCB 14-0 in 4 innings. Technically since PHCB forfeited earlier in the evening they were kicked out of the league and should have forfeited against us at 8:00. Apparently the umps didn’t get the memo and we were able to play. Pete pitched the complete game yielding only two hits. For Pete it was his first shutout ever in his softball career. This feat will earn Pete (top right) his
second straight player of the week award. The Boner of the week goes to Rik(bottom right) for injuring his groin while playing for the Heartbreakers. This is actually the second week in a row a WW member has been injured playing for this team. I predict Bob goes down next week with a torn meniscus while playing for the Breakers. The game was typical for WW, Brian hit the ball hard and ran really fast and everyone else followed suit except for the running really fast part. Solid, smart defense helped lift Pete to his 3rd victory of the season. After the PHCB warm-up, WW expected the Masterbatters on field 8. The batters who had already forfeited earlier in the evening were nowhere to be found. The game was called at 9:05 and we were at the bar around 9:07 where we were served the finest beer and wings in all of the land. Not a bad week and it sure as hell beats a rainout.

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