Wednesday, July 25, 2007


With the 14-0 win over PHBC and a forfeit win over the Masterbatters Water Works Softball will repeat as Friday night A league champions. With two games left in the season WW is 1 game ahead of the nearest competition Austin Ave. who holds a 6-1 record. WW is scheduled to play PHCB who has forfeited twice this year and have been kicked out of the league so this Friday’s game will be another forfeit win. Which means that even if WW looses its final game against The Varsity, WW would win the first place tie breaker against Austin Ave. since WW has beaten AA head to head. So far WW is undefeated, run ruling every team in their path.

Another team is run rulled. Yawn...

WW was expecting a double header last Friday and instead received a much needed early trip to the bar. The 8:00 game was against PHCB( 2-3 ) who, according to their run scoring ability appeared to be the only competition for WW outside of Austin Ave. That assessment couldn’t have been anymore incorrect… WW blanked PHCB 14-0 in 4 innings. Technically since PHCB forfeited earlier in the evening they were kicked out of the league and should have forfeited against us at 8:00. Apparently the umps didn’t get the memo and we were able to play. Pete pitched the complete game yielding only two hits. For Pete it was his first shutout ever in his softball career. This feat will earn Pete (top right) his
second straight player of the week award. The Boner of the week goes to Rik(bottom right) for injuring his groin while playing for the Heartbreakers. This is actually the second week in a row a WW member has been injured playing for this team. I predict Bob goes down next week with a torn meniscus while playing for the Breakers. The game was typical for WW, Brian hit the ball hard and ran really fast and everyone else followed suit except for the running really fast part. Solid, smart defense helped lift Pete to his 3rd victory of the season. After the PHCB warm-up, WW expected the Masterbatters on field 8. The batters who had already forfeited earlier in the evening were nowhere to be found. The game was called at 9:05 and we were at the bar around 9:07 where we were served the finest beer and wings in all of the land. Not a bad week and it sure as hell beats a rainout.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Making up for lost time

In the event that we can beat the odds against a 40% chance of rain this evening WW softball will double dip against PHCB and the Masterbatters. PHCB owns a 2-2 (1-2 against teams .500 or above) record including a forfeit while the Batters have yet to win a game. One of our fans has brought to my attention that the name Masterbatters comes from that teams inability to score. PHCB which seems to be the only real threat to WW outside of Austin Avenue has a 15 to 9 run average which does not include their forfeit. Game 1 start time is 8:00. Tonight is also full-priced hot dog night so be sure to bring your family and friends out to the game as we need to increase our fan base.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Is there anyone we can't run rule?

Somehow, amidst the many thunderstorms that rolled through North Texas on Friday, Heritage
Yards in Plano was spared. WW softball was able to hit the field and the bar after dropping the Buttcrack Johnnies 13 – 1 in 5 innings. At least I think it was five. Hell I don’t know. I was too excited about ending a 4 week beer/wings drought. At least I think it was 4 weeks. Hell I don’t know. I was too excited about being able to eat beer/wings. Pete Bergan gets the player of the week honors for pitching/playing 4 innings on a bruised kneecap. And now for the Trojan Boner of the week… And it goes to Pete Bergan (Pictured to the right) for getting a bruised kneecap. Although this injury happed in a game before ours, Pete still gets the nod. On a hot line drive back up the middle, Pete reacted too quickly and swiped at the ball early leaving his knee cap exposed and you can assume what happened after that. Other than that I didn’t really take too many notes from the game but Ralph Starr put a burn notice on the left fielder and Rik made a hell of a catch on a looping line drive.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Damn it! Who did the rain dance last night!?

Looks like we will have to wait another week before we can get back after it.

Monday, July 9, 2007

LAST SEASON, I led this team in ninth-inning doubles in the month of August!

In an effort to try and bring SABR metrics into softball I'm thinking about trying to get someone to keep score during our games. If anybody has a wife that knows how to keep a book let me know. It doesn't pay well but they will get the thrill of seeing us play softball and the option of hanging out with us after the game. The only main requirement is being able to color-in squares. Actually, I can probly keep it while we are batting but I do want to know if you guys think it's a good idea or not. I just don't want to see someone let the stats go to their head.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Apparently there isn’t enough Diamond Dry for field two.

Looks like we will have to wait until next week to try and extend our winning streak to four games. We will play the Buttcrack Johnnies (1-2), who lost to us 16-6 way back in June. Game time is at 9:00 and hopefully partytime will be around 9:30 again.

Softball gods return from vacation and thank the thunder gods for watching after everything while they were gone.

If Plano Parks and Rec has enough Diamond Dry sitting in their field house the Water Works softball team could return to action tonight in a rematch against the Masterbatters. The Masterbatters (insert your own joke here) are hoping to avenge the June 1st nail biter loss to WW. Down 22 – 0 the batters started a rally late and with two outs in the bottom of the third their only hope at a run was gunned down at the plate to end the game. I don’t remember who made the play because I was too busy arguing that the runner was safe. I agree with Will Leitch at Deadspin. I don’t know why but it does always seam funnier when a team that is getting the crap kicked out of them manages to score at least one run.