Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Finally, some competition

This past Friday (5/1) WaterWorks got back on the field for a double-header after playing one game in five weeks. WW saw three rain-outs, a forfeit and a rec-level team over that stretch. Standing in their way were two of the tougher teams in the league, Budweiser and HDR. Both squads had only one loss a piece and those losses came against each other. Adding to the pressure was the fact that WW was swept by Bud in the last league of '08.
WW would start the night against bud. The queen of beers quickly got ahead on a solo HR. Chris Heinrich answered back with 3-run shot to left. The game was neck and neck until the bottom of the 4th. WW batted through the order and put the game out of reach despite a last ditch effort in the top of 6 from bud.
Next up was HDR, who jumped to an early leading touching home seven times in the top of the first. The front of their lineup did a great job of knocking the fences down and then the lower order dropped in some gorks. While hitting, and up 7-0, the HDR first basemen decided to argue a play that wasn't even close. We are going to refer to the first baseman as moron for the rest of the post. Actually, Moron's gripe was that Chris H. who was playing short, missed second base on a force play. The funny thing is that CH actually almost fell on his face cause he tripped on the bag. Oh yeah, forgot to mention that Moron was arguing from the dugout... I'm sure the view was much better from in there. This got Moron a warning. During the bottom half of the inning Brian couldn't advance to 2nd on a base-hit due to obstruction from Moron. Brian was awarded second and Moron argued and was given the old heave-hoe. The always clever Moron replied to the ejection with the good old F U. This would prove to be the turning point of the game as HDR would reach home safely only two more times. I don't recall the outcome being so lopsided but the final was 9-18.
WW improved to 6-0 on the year and is now in the driver seat for another Friday A Championship. The Player of the week goes to Chris Heinrich who nearly hit for the cycle against bud and played near flawless defense the whole night (I was going to just say flawless but I remembered that ball that got your fingertip... Don't worry man... that's just between you and me). The Boner of the Week has to go to Byron for going 1-6. In a softball double-header. Good job loser! WW will not see action until the 15th when they play another double-header against bud and HDR. A win in either of the two games or a loss to bud of less than 4 runs will be all it takes to crown WW in the Spring.


  1. Oh yeah... forgot to mention that Byron didn't keep book... and he went 1 for 6.

  2. Now that I think about it, it was 1 - 7 since Byron made the last out of the game trying to wind down the clock.

  3. Player Update: In the midst of the aforementioned missed ground ball by WW's shortstop Chris Heinrich, the ball ricocheted off of the thumb on his throwing hand, resulting in a subungual hematoma and partial removal of the nail. He's been going through strenuous rehab of thumb flexes and band exercises along with taking league-approved supplements to help regrow the nail. His progress has improved and it appears as though he will avoid a stint on the DL.
