Wednesday, May 27, 2009

WW Development League game called due to excessive thunder

The first game of the season for the Tuesday night WWDL league game was called 2/3 the way through the top of the first. The umpires try to call the game early after leadoff hitter Byron smoked a ball to short. The umpires had to be informed that what they heard was not thunder but, was in fact the sound that is typically made when Byron makes contact with a softball. A fly to center from a prospect picked up prior to the game was followed by a screaming single from Slurry Joe that moved B over to second. A deep fly to left from Buckshot moved Byron to third. Mike Long hit a P rod to left center to score B and move JW to 2nd. The game was then called due to thunder. The silver lining in Tuesday's game is that the WWDL players had a chance to test their endurance prior to this Friday's game and the Saturday EOS Tournament.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Despite a perfect season some of us chose to be losers

Winning the Spring A league is becoming a tradition for WW softball. For the third straight year WW has claimed their league title and this year they did so convincingly. With exception of the two Budweiser games and the first meeting with HDR, WW was able to coast through the season without breaking a sweat. Going into last Friday WW had put themselves in the driver seat of the league needing only to get a win against HDR or Budweiser in their final night of Spring play. WW would start the double-header against Bud who seemed to be the toughest competition seen by WW all season. Despite an anemic offense WW was able to get ahead early and play near flawless defense holding bud to only 6 runs. Pete escaped the first and third inning without throwing more than 5 pitches each. Not bad against a team that averaged a little over 13 runs a game. WW had some timely hits, most notably from lefty B. Macek who sent a sharp oppo liner with a couple of ducks on and turned it into a little league homer. When it was all said and done, WW walked away with an 8-6 victory and the Spring Championship.
After the victory against bud WW was able to sit back and take a game off, so to speak, against HDR. With the lineup flipped, the infield in the outfield and JW pitching WW put themselves in a position to get their doors blown off. In spite of their best efforts, WW again played spectacular defense with all the wrong people in all the wrong places. I think JW even managed to get out of an inning wasting only 6 pitches.
With Spring '09 in the books their was a roll call for the post season celebration. After much lobbying for more teammates to join in, a group of only four would make their way to Frisco to celebrate. There were wide range of excuses for missing the post-season celebration. Some had to get home and get their panties washed prior to the tournament the following day (I guess some people still hand wash their delicates). Others needed their sleep and I'm sure there were some valid reasons but in the end... Pete, Buckshot, Chris H. and Byron were the real Champions.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

There are some who call me... Tim.

OK. One of our newest team members Jay, has seen fit to issue some suggestions for nicknames. Here are some excerpts from the e-mails that cover the names and some responses from JW and Byron.

Joe : Depending on the night (Tuesday or Friday), Joe could go with the following
-Tuesdays – JW (pronounced “jay-dub”)
-Fridays : Slurry Joe – This is derived from the Happy Hour Extravaganza that Joe participates in before the Friday night games.
-JW is pretty solid despite all of my efforts to get momentum for a Forest Gump type nickname seeing as how Joe does share some resemblance and he has those knee braces.

Rik : “Crotch” – I don’t think I’ve seen anyone take a ball to the nether-regions (or close to) more times than Rik.
-Crotch and balls-out both seem to be walking the fine line of gaydom especially since balls-out will inevitably be shortened to balls.

Albert : “Digs” – This is derived from the numerous times that Albert has to plow the dirt in front of 1st base in order to dig the ball out that many of us (not naming any names…Slurry Joe) throw his way.
-I kinda like digs more than A-train since it hints at Al’s ability to save our asses and highlights the fact that our infield can’t keep the ball out of the dirt.

Byron : “Nine” – For the number of hot wings Bryon will forever get at Hooters.

Chris H. : There are 2 possibilities here…one gay, one that reaches a little too much.
-“Heiny” – Last name credibility, but could be mistaken for gaydom on the softball field.
-“Morris” – Reminding Chris that his Alma Mater is like the fat girl at the prom with regards to the NCAA Tourney. Just happy to be there.

Pete : “Deuce”…..this either has something to do with some bathroom innuendo or hold on to your seat as this will blow your mind…..his jersey number is 2.
-separate tag name for Tournaments though, such as “Schleprock” or the “Human Injury Magnet”.

Mike : it’s very complicated to explain but I’ll give it a shot…….he wears # 8 on his jersey… your mind and see if you can figure it out…..if not let me know.
-Another obvious one for Mike is “grandpa” or “gramps” or “papa”… get the trend here!

TJ : “T-ball”……now I’m not sure if this has to do with some human anatomy oddity, the competitive game of T-ball baseball, or a derivative of his name. To be determined.

Scott : "Buckshot" ……it’s a jersey number thing again, sorry to blow your mind there again

Jay : "Round Mound of Sound" since he always seems to be voicing his opinion about something but, this nickname is a little to long so we are going to have
to find something better and JJ is just too obvious.

Chris W. : I could be talked into scooter or scoot for Chris W since he has that cute little scooter.

ZB : I’m waiting for ZB to make a sprawling goalie catch in the outfield so I can start calling him stretch

Finally, some competition

This past Friday (5/1) WaterWorks got back on the field for a double-header after playing one game in five weeks. WW saw three rain-outs, a forfeit and a rec-level team over that stretch. Standing in their way were two of the tougher teams in the league, Budweiser and HDR. Both squads had only one loss a piece and those losses came against each other. Adding to the pressure was the fact that WW was swept by Bud in the last league of '08.
WW would start the night against bud. The queen of beers quickly got ahead on a solo HR. Chris Heinrich answered back with 3-run shot to left. The game was neck and neck until the bottom of the 4th. WW batted through the order and put the game out of reach despite a last ditch effort in the top of 6 from bud.
Next up was HDR, who jumped to an early leading touching home seven times in the top of the first. The front of their lineup did a great job of knocking the fences down and then the lower order dropped in some gorks. While hitting, and up 7-0, the HDR first basemen decided to argue a play that wasn't even close. We are going to refer to the first baseman as moron for the rest of the post. Actually, Moron's gripe was that Chris H. who was playing short, missed second base on a force play. The funny thing is that CH actually almost fell on his face cause he tripped on the bag. Oh yeah, forgot to mention that Moron was arguing from the dugout... I'm sure the view was much better from in there. This got Moron a warning. During the bottom half of the inning Brian couldn't advance to 2nd on a base-hit due to obstruction from Moron. Brian was awarded second and Moron argued and was given the old heave-hoe. The always clever Moron replied to the ejection with the good old F U. This would prove to be the turning point of the game as HDR would reach home safely only two more times. I don't recall the outcome being so lopsided but the final was 9-18.
WW improved to 6-0 on the year and is now in the driver seat for another Friday A Championship. The Player of the week goes to Chris Heinrich who nearly hit for the cycle against bud and played near flawless defense the whole night (I was going to just say flawless but I remembered that ball that got your fingertip... Don't worry man... that's just between you and me). The Boner of the Week has to go to Byron for going 1-6. In a softball double-header. Good job loser! WW will not see action until the 15th when they play another double-header against bud and HDR. A win in either of the two games or a loss to bud of less than 4 runs will be all it takes to crown WW in the Spring.

Back by popular demand...

It has been over a little over a year since our last post on the WW blog. After that last post we have received a steady stream of mail demanding that we activate the blog again. Through time the requests have become a little more desperate and in some cases threatening. We have also seen internet traffic reports for the site and we noticed an increase in site traffic since the last post. We would like to give in and start the site back up but if we were to do that, the terrorists would win. Instead, we have opened up a new siteand imported the old posts in so it's like we never left... Except for the fact that there hasn't been a post in over a year. I would like to thank all of the loyal fans who have waited patiently. Hopefully, we won't let you down.
Now it's time to get everyone caught up on the past year for WW softball. If I remember correctly, we lost the very next game after the last post. That loss demoralized the staff at HOTG and contributed to some of the factors that led to the shutdown of the old site. Despite the loss WW still won the league to make it 4 straight Friday A Championships. WW played well through the fall and summer but took some difficult losses and broke the championship streak. Since we won the spring league we were eligible for the end of season Tournament of Champions, but due to some paperwork issues WW was denied entry. There was an investigation into the rejection of the WW team and the official result was a technical glitch that affected the WW roster. An unnamed source (We can't say his name cause he was our lawyer and we wouldn't want to do him like that) close to the investigation said the problem was due to the mishandling of some paperwork at Plano P&R. We ended up settling out of court but it was pretty crazy.
The 2009 Winter meeting was a success. We picked up a full time player in Chris Heinrich, a power hitting infielder with speed. ZB was promoted to full time duty and is currently patrolling the outfield. Jay Jamison has committed to the team full time after spending a season with Austin Ave. Jay is an infielder that has been contributing in a utility role and is what we like to refer to as a 'softy'.
WW kicked off the season in the Pre-Season Tune-Up Tourny. Despite the 50 degree temp and winds of 30 MPH WW managed a 3-2 record. WW is currently 6-0 in the spring league. With two games to go WW is two games ahead of the 2nd place Budweiser. WW will face the queen of beers along with DHR next Friday (5/15) in a double header. WW will wake up early the next morning to play in the A league End of Season Tournament. We are still trying to decide how to handle the bye week this weekend since we don't play this Friday(5/8). There is some early talk of having a light BP session on Saturday and then recover at someones house nearby to discuss strategy and rehydrate.